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why should we care and what can we do

   Knowing how fragile and precarious our existence is, we have to ask the question, "What is quality for our time?"  For us at Rio Milagro farm, quality begins with intent, and we have found it applies to managing a successful farm breeding both horses and sheep as well as preserving ecosystems. 

Twiga and Carrilon
Sheep on summer range grass
Mimbres River
Sheep coming home
Horses on summer range
Spotted Bat
A day with biologist at Rio Milagro
Patrick and Zulu
Oldenburg Verband Kuring at Rio Mila
Frog research
Biologist Michelle Christman
Chiricuahua Leopard Frog
Dripping Springs
Garter Snake
Michelle Christman

    In our modern world, it is extremely challenging to live with a lighter footprint.   On our farm, both by the way we conduct our lives and how we implement our farm practices, we are committed to reducing environmental harm.  For us, our farm is a starting point to share such a dream.  A dream in which caring people, from all over the world  and all walks of life can show that its possible to help, rather than harm, the rest of the world around us.  This powerful message of hope inspires us all and is the same passion that is seen in communities around the world.
    While the naysayers stand by wheezing and huffing and puffing about how "this will never work," or "it's too late to save this species or habitat," or "be practical, we have to compromise with developers," it is the truly compassionate individuals that never give up.  We have seen this time and time again with our traditional Navajo friends, biologists, naturalists, and local land owners that have helped us thus far with our efforts to live successfully with endangered species on such a fragile ecosystem as the Mimbres River. 

    The best anyone can do is take steps toward preserving environmental and traditional cultural traditions, as well as reducing their ecological footprint on this planet to zero.  The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems.  It compares human demand with planet earth's ecological capacity to regenerate.  Something as simple as recognizing local wildlife corridors and making adjustments to protect them, can eleviate the pressures on your local natural environment thus assisting local and migrating species. It is so simple but makes a huge impact as to whether a species will survive.
    Through sustainable farm practices at Rio Milagro, our goal is to live successfully with endangered species - to do no harm through our everyday living. The result is the protection of fragile areas, wildlife corridors and keeping critical habitat for endangered species intact not overused by our practices.  Our endangered species populations are healthy, because we made the decision to try and live in balance on our farm. And with these corridors and critical habitat healthy, so is the rest of our farm.   Through this, we have safe-guarded the future of our farm and home.
    Today, when we live in an age of habitat loss, climate change and species decline, rather than sadness for what we've done, it is essential that we express hope for what we can do.  Nature has an amazing ability to regenerate and survive.  If you change the way you live, even a slight bit, it will have a positive impact.


Such diversity is what holds the earth steady.

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